Perfect Shrimp and Peas – Connor Cooks

Connor Forbes
Connor Forbes
3 Min Read

By Connor Forbes

My garden is bursting at the seams right now with sugar snap peas. There is nothing quite like eating fresh peas right off the vine in your backyard. I have 6 plants in full swing right now, so I am getting a constant supply. I eat them when I’m watering the garden. And I eat them when I’m not. They are the best snack. And my kids absolutely love them.

So I was trying to think of a way to incorporate them into a meal. I had some shrimp in the fridge and I thought why not marry the two. And that is when this recipe was born. So, let’s make shrimp and peas!


  • 1.5 lbs (16 – 20/lb) shrimp
  • 1 brown onion
  • 4 white rose or red potatoes
  • 8 oz frozen peas
  • 8 oz fresh sugar snap peas
  • 2 tbsp cup chives
  • Basil leaves for garnish
  • ½ tbsp oregano
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 2 cups stock, shrimp or vegetable
  • ½ cup heavy cream
  • 2 tsp salt, split
  • Pepper to taste

To Make Shrimp and Peas

Peel and de-vein shrimp. You can use pre-peeled and de-veined shrimp if you like but I find they don’t taste nearly as good. The texture is different. Place shells in a sauce pan with water to cover and half the salt. Simmer for 10 minutes or longer. This is shrimp stock. Cut potatoes into 1/2-inch cubes. Slice onion. In a large frying pan on medium heat add potatoes, onion, the other half of salt and 2 cups shrimp stock (or vegetable stock if you got pre-peeled shrimp) and cover. Cook the potatoes for 10 minutes or until almost fork tender. Add the frozen peas and cook another 3 – 5 minutes. Pull everything out of the pan and put to the side in a bowl. Wipe the pan dry and add the butter. Once melted cook the shrimp in the butter. Add the potato, onion, and peas back in with the shrimp. Add heavy cream, chives, oregano, and pepper and simmer on low for 5 minutes. Plate with fresh basil and fresh sugar snap peas. Serve with bread or over rice. EAT!

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