Garlic and Blistered Tomato Chicken

Connor Forbes
Connor Forbes
2 Min Read

Garlic and Blistered Tomato Chicken

By Connor Forbes

In my quest to make chicken interesting in 100 different ways I came up with this savory treat. I had cherry tomatoes in the fridge and garlic on the counter. They were staring straight back at me a dared me to make something with them. 

Now I love tomatoes. And blistered tomatoes give you the umami punch of tomatoes with the delectable bits of char.

And garlic is well, garlic. Delicious in all forms. In all meals. At all times. 

I rounded this out with a hint of rosemary to marry all the flavors together and what we have is Garlic and Blistered Tomato Chicken. Serves 4-6.


·      2 pounds chicken

·      1.5 cups cherry tomatoes

·      1 head garlic, peeled 

·      1 sprig rosemary

·      1 tbsp oil

·      ¼ marsala wine *optional

·      ½ tsp salt

·      ½ tsp pepper

To Make

In a large sauté pan, heat oil on high heat. Add cherry tomatoes and let cook for 3 minutes. Mix and let cook for another 3 minutes. Turn heat down to medium. Add in chicken, salt and pepper. Let cook for 4-5 minutes. Flip chicken and then add whole garlic cloves and rosemary. If adding marsala wine add here. Cover. Cook until chicken is 165 degrees internal temperature. Remove from heat and let sit for 5 minutes. Serve and EAT! I ate this over brown rice with a side cucumber salad.I ate this over brown rice with a side cucumber salad.

For cucumber salad and other recipes visit

Garlic and Blistered Tomato Chicken
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