Corona High Graduates Celebrate Class-Wide Summer Reunion

Carlos Trujillo
Carlos Trujillo
2 Min Read

Photo: Jerry 7

Story: By Jerry Soifer

About 300 Corona High School graduates stepped off the pages of the black and white photos of old annuals Sunday and into the crosshairs of the focus features of smartphones when they attended the all-class reunion in the school’s auxiliary gymnasium.

The reunion is a mid-summer event at the school which celebrates its 125th anniversary.

School and government officials opened the event with the presentation of celebratory documents.
There wasn’t a frame of actual 35mm film to be found as former students posed for photos with former classmates. All were armed with their phone cameras as they shared the joy of reconnecting with lives and loves out of their past.

Two graduates of the Class of 1948, Walter Jenkins and Char Killingsworth kicked-off the class photos.

Tom Lynch, Class of 1965, and Pinky Zubia, Class of 1967, seemed thrilled to reconnect, while Donna Carrillo, Class of 1972, brought her husband, Ray, a decorated Vietnam veteran.

Mary Soules and Samantha Lamb administered a table filled with past annuals and books, available to peruse.

Corona football players Diego Rodriguez, Chris Cuevas, Bryan Vivar and Anthony Maldonado were present, presenting the team’s red jerseys.

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