Palm Springs International Airport Keeps ‘A’ Rating

Connor Forbes
Connor Forbes
1 Min Read

Palm Springs International

PALM SPRINGS (CNS) – The Palm Springs International Airport has maintained an “A” long-term rating from a financial services company, airport officials said Monday.

The rating from S&P Global, known for providing market analytics, pointed to several key factors for the rating. Those include effective management, strong debt service coverage and a record number of travelers, which eclipsed pre-COVID-19 pandemic levels.

“We are proud that S&P Global has reaffirmed our `A’ credit rating, highlighting our strong financial management and resilient passenger base,” airport administration manager Victoria Carpenter said in a statement.  “Our sustained financial health allows us to invest in improvements that enhance the travel experience for our passengers.”

S&P Global determined the airport had a stable outlook and expects those trends to continue, according to airport officials.

The rating improved from “A-” to A in 2022 and has remained there since.

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