Perris Senior Center – Over-Burdened Senior Center to Get Much-Needed Makeover

Connor Forbes
Connor Forbes
3 Min Read

Perris Senior Center

Since the Perris Senior Center opened in 1989, the city’s then-population of 20 thousand, has quadrupled, while its residents have aged. About one-quarter of the estimated 80-thousand current inhabitants are 50 or older. And with 21% of those 65 and older living in poverty, the senior center is a critical resource.

The center has been designated as a nutrition site by the County of Riverside Office on Aging, as well as a Cool and Warm Center by the Riverside Community Action Partnership, in addition to providing social, educational, and recreational opportunities,

Serving an average of 65 seniors daily, the center’s multi-purpose room can only accommodate 68 people, the kitchen is taxed, and the need for expansion has been urgent. 

That need is about to be addressed. 

This past week, Congressman Mark Takano presented the city with a check for $1.86 million, all but $200 thousand is designated for the expansion of the center.

“Perris is the little city that can,” Takano remarked while announcing the funds to city elected officials.

“But not for much longer, because you keep growing. We want to make sure that you have the resources to make the quality of life here more and more inviting so you can serve all of your citizens, and that includes your seniors as well.”

The expansion will increase the center’s size by 2,250 square feet, including kitchen renovations and an expanded multipurpose room. This will allow more meals to be served, while the additional space will be utilized for health and wellness services, and provide an ability to host interactive events and educational sessions.

The project will protect seniors from extreme weather, ensure food security, promote mental and physical health, and support the well-being of disadvantaged elderly residents.

In accepting the ceremonial check, Perris mayor Michael Vargas noted, “Congressman Takano has always been a big friend and supporter of Perris, and our entire community is appreciative of his contributions.” 

The city hopes to have final design completed in September, to then put the construction out to bid.

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Perris Senior Center
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