Drift Smoke, Ash Severely Reduces Air Quality in Riverside County

Connor Forbes
Connor Forbes
2 Min Read
Photo by Gary Evans

Air Quality in Riverside County

RIVERSIDE (CNS) – Riverside County officials Tuesday urged residents, particularly those in compromised health, to avoid outdoor activities as much as possible due to smoke-clogged skies from fires in neighboring counties blanketing the region.

“Residents, especially those with chronic health conditions, need to be aware of the risks of breathing unhealthy air and take steps to keep safe,” county Public Health Officer Dr. Geoffrey Leung said.

The 9,300-acre “Airport Fire” in Trabuco Canyon on the east end of Orange County and the 24,000-acre “Line Fire” near Highland in San Bernardino County were both inducing heavy drift smoke, mostly across the western half of Riverside County. The sun was blotted out by ash and smoke in the Riverside metropolitan area about 12:30 p.m.

The Riverside County Department of Public Health said that children and seniors with chronic respiratory challenges, such as asthma, lung and heart disease, were at highest risk of developing complications stemming from the reduced air quality.

The South Coast Air Quality Management District issued advisories covering the Riverside metropolitan area and Banning Pass, warning of “very unhealthy” conditions.

“People in areas impacted by smoke and ash should avoid strenuous activity, remain indoors with the air-conditioning on and windows and doors closed,” according to a health department statement. “Indoor air can be kept fresh with a clean filtering system to prevent from bringing smoke inside.”

Additional information is available at www.rivcoready.org.

Cooler Temps Assist Airport Fire Fight in Riverside, Orange Counties. Cooler Temps Assist Airport Fire Fight in Riverside, Orange Counties. The Airport Fire burns in the Cleveland National Forest above Corona late Monday afternoon. Photo by Gary Evans
The Airport Fire burns in the Cleveland National Forest above Corona late Monday afternoon. Photo by Gary Evans

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