Tag: Riverside County

Perris and Lake Elsinore Companies Awarded County Towing Contracts

Towing RIVERSIDE (CNS) - The Board of Supervisors Tuesday approved contracts with

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Board Approves Measure Intended to Assist Undocumented Immigrants

Undocumented Immigrants By PAUL J. YOUNG, City News Service RIVERSIDE (CNS) -

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Riverside County’s First District Is Growing in ‘Areas That Time Forgot’

Riverside County’s First District (Editor's note: Former Assemblyman Jose Medina and State

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Committee to Improve Efficiency of County Land Use Agency Approved

Land Use Agency RIVERSIDE (CNS) - The Board of Supervisors Tuesday unanimously

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Public Safety Expo Planned to Highlight Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness RIVERSIDE (CNS) - Riverside firefighters and police officers later this

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Riverside County Jobs – Seasonal Job Losses Send County’s Jobless Rate to Almost 6%

Riverside County Jobs RIVERSIDE (CNS) - Riverside County's unemployment rate jumped to

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County Treasurer Jennings to Serve on Statewide Committee

County Treasurer Jennings RIVERSIDE (CNS) - Riverside County Treasurer-Tax Collector Matthew Jennings

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Board Formally Approves Structurally Balanced 2024-25 Budget

2024-25 Budget RIVERSIDE (CNS) - The Board of Supervisors Tuesday formally approved

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Bianco Highest Paid Government Official in Riverside County 

Bianco Made $593,518 in 2023 RIVERSIDE (CNS) - The 10 highest paid

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