The Smell of Rodeo is Back in the Air

Carlos Trujillo
Carlos Trujillo
1 Min Read

Photo: Rodeo

By Jerry Soifer

The city of Norco renewed its love affair with rodeo Saturday as “Horsetown USA” held its first such event since the coronavirus pandemic put an end to most community equestrian activities in early 2020.

And the sold-out crowds confirmed a hungry public was more than ready for the return of the cowboy sport.

Familiar visages of flag-waving drill teams, children racing across the arena dirt in boots then bare feet, city officials tossing cow chips, while bulls kicked-up their hooves, was a welcome relief as the pressure valve of two plus years of pent-up energy, was finally released.

All in celebration of the National Day of the American Cowboy.

Children were a natural focus. In one event, they raced in boots for about 20 yards, shedding the bulky footwear, then sprinting back to the fence. Other children raced on pony sticks, while others still mounted living/breathing four-legged sheep in the mutton-busting competition.

The rodeo competition began with bull riding, and not a single competitor remained on their mount for the required eight seconds in the first round. Other rodeo events included bronc riding, barrel racing, break-away roping and team roping.

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