Wet Weather on the Way for Inland Region

Connor Forbes
Connor Forbes
2 Min Read

Wet Weather on the Way for Inland Region

RIVERSIDE (CNS) – The Inland Empire’s first significant rainstorm of the year is forecast to arrive this weekend, sweeping through the region Saturday and Sunday and lingering into Monday, according to the National Weather Service.

A trough of low pressure is expected to move down from the Pacific Northwest, arriving in Southern California by Saturday morning, the NWS said.

“There are some model differences in the timing, track and intensity of weather systems moving along in this flow, which would affect the timing of periods of potentially more significant precipitation across (the region),” according to an agency statement. “Chances for measurable precipitation are greatest on Sunday and Monday, as well as chances for greater precipitation amounts.”

Snowfall is anticipated above 7,000 feet, forecasters said.

Prognostication charts published by the NWS indicated the presence of rain region-wide until Monday night, replaced by a ridge of high pressure on Tuesday.

No weather advisories have been issued yet.

Conditions are expected to be mostly clear until the weekend, and temperatures are expected to hover within the normal range for this time of year.

In the Riverside metropolitan area, highs will generally reach the upper 60s Tuesday to Friday, with overnight lows in the upper 40s. On Saturday and Sunday, the daytime mercury will peak in the low 60s, and nighttime lows will drop into the low 50s.

In the Coachella Valley, highs will hold in the low 70s Tuesday to Friday, and lows in the low 50s, and the temperature range will decrease slightly for the weekend, with highs in the mid-60s and lows around 50.

The temperature band in the Temecula Valley will be almost identical to the Riverside metro area’s for the week, though nighttime temps will fall into the mid-40s some of the time.

For More Riverside County News Visit www.zapinin.com/riverside-county-news.

Wet Weather on the Way for Inland Region. Riverside County Weather
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