Agony of Defeat, meet the Thrill of Victory! What a difference a week makes. On the left, Santiago girl's soccer players look on glumly Saturday, March 1, as the Sharks went down to defeat 4-2 in the CIF Sectional Open Division Championship match against defending champ Santa Margarita High. But on Saturday, March 8th, right, the Sharks had a last bite, toppling the same Santa Margarita Eagles in a shootout to capture the CIF Regional title. Photos by Jerry Soifer
Agony of Defeat, meet the Thrill of Victory! What a difference a week makes. On the left, Santiago girl’s soccer players look on glumly Saturday, March 1, as the Sharks went down to defeat 4-2 in the CIF Sectional Open Division Championship match against defending champ Santa Margarita High. But on Saturday, March 8th, right, the Sharks had a last bite, toppling the same Santa Margarita Eagles in a shootout to capture the CIF Regional title. Photos by Jerry Soifer